The Tenderloin is the name of this novel, but it is also a seedy area of
the city of San Francisco
where the protagonist and narrator lives. The city itself is a character in the
book, its hills, parks, trams and landmarks, as well as the resonant titles of
some of the locations there - Nob Hill, Alcatraz, Haight, Fisherman's Wharf -
are all an intrinsic part of the tale.
The central character, Evan, is a twenty-one year old Irishman who goes
to San Francisco
in 1995, just when it is on the cusp of the Internet revolution. He spends most
of the first few months in penury until he gets a low level job in a technology
TV station and his world opens up.

It is also good on the experience of being young and clueless and living
in a foreign city. Evan is constantly tripping up, flailing around in his
attempt to adapt to a place where potatoes are only a rare optional
accompaniment to a meal and not the central part of it, where people really do
sleep their way to the top, and where nerds camp overnight on the street in
order to be in line to buy a new version of Windows.
Evan, as a central character, is a little annoying, however. He spends
most of the novel messing up, taking his boss's car out though he has never learned to drive, almost
causing a boat he is on to crash, alienating friends, losing jobs. Towards the
end he is a complete mess, alcoholic, utterly confused about his sexuality, not
even very likeable.
And he never reaches any kind of resolution. He goes back home, just as
confused as he was when he arrived.
The strength of The Tenderloin lies in the writing, which is zippy and
funny and smart, full of pop culture references, wry observations and sharp
dialogue. Girls are described as "Anistonian", in a slick reference
to the Friends character. People talk in short, smart, pithy conversations, say
things like "Boo ya," and "Feel me?", and the spirit of the
times is constantly sketched out using markers like the OJ trial.
There are a number of weaknesses in the book though. It is frequently
unclear, characters are introduced, not really described properly, and then
briefly reappear again later when you have forgotten who they are. And even the
title is never actually explained in the text of the book, a trip to Wikipedia
is necessary to find out what relevance The Tenderloin has to the actual story.
Unexplained, the title just hangs there as a needless mystery that is not very
interesting when it is solved.
The biggest weakness though, is in the story and the central character.
It is laid out like a coming of age story, though in fact Evan doesn't actually
mature or grow at all. He doesn't seem to learn any important thing about
himself in his time in San Francisco ,
and I found it difficult to even care about his development towards the end of
the novel.
The Tenderloin is a vibrantly written, funny, smart book, that is let
down a little by a weak protagonist and a narrative that doesn't really