Before Midnight is part of a franchise, the third film in a series that
began eighteen years ago with Before Sunset. The central characters of all
three films are Jesse, an American student and then writer, and Celine, a
Parisian idealist who ends up working on environmental projects.

In the second film, Before Sunset, nine years later, Jesse has written a
book about his and Celine's night together. She turns up at a reading he does
in Paris , and
they reconnect. We learn that Celine never showed up for their meeting the year
after, and also that Jesse wrote the book, in part, in order to find Celine
The first two films are incredibly simple, each basically consisting of
one long extended conversation between the two leads, one as they walk through Vienna , the other as they stroll around Paris .
The films are simple on the surface, but embrace romance, regret, the
passing of time, the difficulty of love, the spirit and hope of youth, and show
us the slow, meandering development of a relationship between two people from
different sides of the world. They are subtle, gentle, profound pieces of
In the third film, Before Midnight, Jesse and Celine are now together
and in their forties. It is nine years after the second film and they have twin
girls, and are on holiday in Greece .
Immediately, this film feels different. For one thing, there are other
significant characters, the couple's daughters, their hosts in Greece , their
Greek friends. The film is full, compared to the first two.
There is one great scene where all of the guests in the villa sit around
and talk after dinner. They talk about memory, love, the battle of the sexes,
and tell stories and gossip. It is a group of people happy to talk about ideas
and fittingly, as they are in Greece ,
not afraid of musing about philosophy.
Then their friends offer to look after the kids, and our two central
characters go off together for a night away, just Jesse and Celine alone, as in
the first two movies. In their hotel room they argue, tell stories, reminisce,
worry and argue. And then they argue some more. And then this becomes all that
they do.
In fact, most of the second half is taken up with the pair bickering,
just like any other middle-aged married couple. It is like This is 40, but
without the jokes.
The point of the argument is the inability of them both, in their
different ways, - but especially anxiety-driven Celine - to deal with reality.
And this is reality, the film seems to be saying. Relationships are not all
romance and passion and destiny, like the first two films. Life and marriage
are hard, complex, things get messy.
This is all very well, and true, I'm sure, but it is no fun to watch two
characters - especially characters you have come to like and identify with over
two films - bicker and argue and be petty and neurotic. By the end they had
both lost my sympathy, and I didn't care if they really did split.
It's a pity, because it all started so well. It was witty,
philosophical, there was the interplay between the characters, they were
uncertain and charming and funny. The film set itself up to be a mature
continuation of the first two in the series, and ended up somehow being the
antithesis of the subtlety, humour and magic of its predecessors.
Before Sunrise
and Before Sunset worked because they were a magical escape from reality, or
else a heightening of this reality, an exploration of the possible. The
characters were on the move right through the films, walking, travelling on
boats, wandering from place to place, changing their environment as they
attempted to change themselves and their world.
Before Midnight brings us right back down to a mundane, soured present
that is really not much fun anymore. In contrast to the first two films they
spend most of their time in a hotel room, the claustrophobia of the setting
mirroring the stifling nature of their relationship. The magic is gone, for
Jesse and Celine, and also, sadly, for us the viewers.